Spotlight Schools

Every month the #HATNOTHATE Campaign will select at least one “Spotlight School” to help spread a positive message of unity, solidarity and kindness, and more importantly, to help end bullying. The Spotlight School will be highlighted in the brand new monthly #HATNOTHATE Newsletter, “The Blue Review”, receive blue hats for members of the school community, participate in a virtual anti-bullying discussion and much more!

Talk to our Educational Director, Dennis Morolda.

What does becoming a Spotlight School mean?

  • Your school to be included in The Blue Review, our monthly newsletter. This public newsletter will include your school’s mission, photos and how your’e implementing the #HATNOTHATE campaign in your school
  • Receive a pre-recorded assembly
  • Students will be invited to come on The Shi Show, hosted by the founder of #HATNOTHATE

Apply here for your school to become a recipient of the hats.

  • Hats to outfit your school
  • #HATNOTHATE and Antibullying Assembly
If you are interested in nominating a school to be featured as part of this exciting opportunity, please have a school official reach out to our Educational Director, Dennis Morolda.